Wednesday, February 14, 2007

relatively busy.

i have been so busy the past few days. monday, tuesday and today. everything just kinda happens and ended somehow. i dun even remember what happened. i guess it's super short term memory loss or everything just happened in the twinkle of an eye. anyway, there are just some things i will always remember. my instrument. on monday, when i heard audrey saying, that her cornets would be arriving like this week. it just seemed as though my heart was shattered. and once again, i wonder, is it coming? yup. and we seemed to have been playing quite well on monday. yay us! on tuesday, i was pretty excited about the SCH rehearsal, partly because i have never been there.

during warm ups, mr de somehow randomly told the CATs section that theirs cornets are coming at the end of the month as it is being delayed in japan. then he turned to me and said, your instrument is also being delayed in japan. i was like HUH??? i thought that it in IMM, at band world. so he said, that he just told me whatever the supplier told him. at that moment, i felt like punching the supplier's head. violence, i know, but how can he cheat my feelings. i even asked w eelyn if we can have our section outing at IMM, so i might go and collect my instrument. and we can celebrate the arrival of my bari. like finally. hahahaha. so i said, nevermind, at least it's has been to japan. haha. oh well.

today's VALENTINE's DAY but it has been one hectic day for me. i fell asleep and did not have time to study for phy/chem standard test. i was just simply super busy the whole day. the japanese girls came today. we had them during PE. it was fun alright. they are really nice, and we are also super nice. we tried to like tell them what it the game all about. they were really cool girls, they participated in the game with us, so friendly. yup, that's my one and only interaction with those girls. oh well. many thanks to those who share the joy of valentine's day and gave me a gift. i must apologise for the fact that i dun have anything to give in return. hee hee, it's the thoughts that counts right. hahaha. i am, in fact, thinking for you people, right now, while typing this.

i went shopping for CNY, like finally. my mummy said i was so last minute. but i begin to differ, there is still like 4 more days before CNY and that's like 24 hours times 4, which is like 96 hours. that is, to me, too much time for shopping. haha.

oh ya. our SCH rehearsal was good. w eelyn played with more feelings now, due to several reasons... and our band seemed too overpowering, too loud already. hahaha. cause the concert hall kinda enhances the sound, so we all have to tone down.

to w eelyn, please stop smiling or talking to yourself. furthermore, must believe in yourself. you can do it. just remember to push more. and sing hymns during assembly. you better, i will make you sing.

one last thing, it's coming at the end of the month! hope that it is really true. the supplier's words cannot be trusted. so i dun have high hopes.