Monday, April 9, 2007

unbelieveable truth.

ouch, the news has been spreading like hotcakes.

yes, yes, i once again, belittle reality. and it did came as a rude shock.
as wad mrs chua said, what's done is done. i am happy that i did not make any silly mistakes and that everyone did their best! yes, that's was the most important part. however the results, i would really want to know the judges' comments and wad in fact went wrong.

yes, it's a fact. bronze was IT. looking at the school, there will be NO more overseas trips, concerts, band room, etc. apparently, the school would not even look at our NEEDS because we got a friggin bronze.

yes, actually, the results to me came as a bonus. playing my part correctly and blending and balance as a band was all that matters. i was really elated to have expressed it out as it was our last performance as the SACSS senior concert band 2006- 2007. i just am proud because we really give it all we got.

the school obviously does not accepted it, cause to them, GOLD is wad's most important to them. "nothing beats the gold and the honour that comes with it" quoted THE SCHOOL. see, another evidence showing that they are extremely bias to the core. yes, that is what i am mostly unhappy about the school and although like they said the results DUN matter, it definitely does not seemed that way. obviously, getting a gold is like WOW WOW.

i was like taken to hell for a field trip when the some guy announced the results. totally bewildered. unexpected. like i was just aimming for a silver or gold, bronze did not even appear as one of my choices. see, reality of life is such. really, really harsh.

but seriously, it done-ED. a fact which became history. a fact which will haunt us forever. and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. yes, other than to ACCEPT the fact. uh huh. so yeah man. life will go back to normal but the fact will taunt me forever.