Thursday, March 1, 2007

cold sound

today, i sqeaked during the mass. the worst thing ever. although i sounded like louder, there hardly seemed to be any feelings and that i can't seem to be able to control the notes and all.

i must get used to it lah. sighs. it is like so new and i need to 'season' it. by practicing more, playing more. i brought it home today. ahhh. practiced for a while, realised i got like plenty of stuff to completed. sure die. sighs.

today's practice absolutely is terrible. we dun seemed to be putting our heart and soul into it. sighs. definitely can be improved. we must prove ourselves.

school's really contradicting lah, say what do your best but in fact, they want us to get gold. not supportive yet demanding.

hawaii is 22 more days. it's like friggin near.
SYF is about 32 more days.

i might just die a happy man knowing that the instrument came. another barrier to overcome, getting to know the instrument.haha.

i dun want a cold and thin sound.