yes yes. thank you to w eelyn for changing the tagboard's colour. haha.
had bio SPA test, ahhhhh. it was cool. we tested on urine. hahha. michelle asked sim if the urine were real, cause she spill some on herself. sim started to laugh and smile really sweetly. yuck. sim said, read the question. okay. so i guess, no answer is the best answer. was discussing whether we got the correct answer. i think i got it. at least i hope so.
hawaii is nearing, the pressure is rising. must make sure i know how to play every single part of it. i still cannot believe that in like 19 days, i will be in hawaii. AWESOME.
no band on friday. bari was at home waiting for me to go back and season it. hahaha. band was on sat morning. cab to school, ms clarissa tung, carried my instrument from the gate to foyer. MACHO ah. realised ALOT of people simply adore HANA KIMI. hahaha. cool.
slept the whole sat afternoon. woke up in the evening, just in time to go to alyssa's house for family gathering. brought all my assignments along but as always, i did not do them.
sunday, my house for family gathering, die. chinese MYE is the next day. and i did not do anything constructive, ahhhh. but i couldn't care less.
chinese MYE. few hours time.